
How to add a specific featured image on blogger

When an article is shared on social media, featured image represents the subject being discussed in the article. Some authors spend a lot of time in finding (or creating) a featured image best suited for their article/blog. If a website is hosted on Wordpress, it is easy to set a featured image manually. But for blogs hosted on blogger, it is a little bit tricky.

For blogger sites, any image which is on top of the article will be fetched as a featured image when the article is shared on social media. What if you don't want to display the image at top as a featured image or you would like to show a featured image on a blog when actually there is no image in the article.

To do so, an image source needs to be placed on top of the blog and its display need to be disabled. You can follow these steps:

1. While writing/editing your blog, click on HTML (or edit the blog in HTML) and add the following html code on top of your blog. 

<img src="url-of-image" style="display:none;"> 

2. Click Insert image icon and upload the image (if already not uploaded). While the Insert image pop-up is open, Right click on an image and copy image address. 

3. Now replace url-of-image in html code from step 1 with image address copied in step 2. 

<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6SyGjHFrE1CmiXkGynNzFOk8bz2linSFZZrmB4TZmD0QhsZEjjY9eo1z7FEGGbv0N-lq_l0pyVhALaqnHr6ijicgRbUZOoga1MIPrfe4ai3oPwKAP0bT89blqj_7_KZZ91O5VyIfG68cc/w140-h78-p/P7042966.jpg" style="display:none;"> 

You are all set. You can continue editing your blog (if not completed) and publish. After publishing, when you share your blog on social media, image source as "url-of-image" will appear as featured image. You can also use images uploaded on other websites (e.g. google drive, dropbox, one drive etc.) but make sure that the image is public.

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